The Hanbury Botanic Gardens at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of London

Presentation of the Hanbury Botanic Gardens by the Friends of the Hanbury Gardens at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura of London
Monday the 23rd of May 2016.

Introduced by Marco Delogu and Alain Elkann, President of the Friends of H.B.G.
The Giardini Botanici Hanbury (18 hectares), also known as Villa Hanbury, are major botanical gardens near Ventimiglia, Italy. The gardens were established by Sir Thomas Hanbury on a small, steep peninsula jutting southwards from an altitude of 103 meters down into the Mediterranean Sea.
Speakers Carolyn Hanbury, Guido Piacenza, Vice President for Italy of The International Dendrology Society, Luigi Minuto, Associate Professor at the University of Genoa, President of the Hanbury Botanic Gardens , Alessandro Bartoli, Secretary of the Friends of H.B.G.
Screening of short film about the Hanbury Gardens.