c) Why do some plants, for example palm trees, have dry leaves?

The removal of the leaves, sheaths and dry inflorescences that persist in nature for more or less long on plants is a risky act for the health of the plants themselves. In the case of palm trees, the prevalent opinion is that it is preferable to let these dry parts spontaneously fall because they protect the apical meristem ("heart of the palm") from the elements and because the tools used for removal easily transmit agents of disease ( mycosis, bacteriosis). The "pruning" of the palms is therefore limited to cases where the fall of leaves and other dry parts represents a danger for the safety of visitors.

For some plants the drying of the foliage is due to conditions of water stress accentuated by changed climatic conditions: the last decade has already seen at least 3 vintages (2003, 2004, 2009) with significantly more arid summers. It is a phenomenon widespread in different regions respect to which we hope for a progressive adaptation of the species.

The age of several specimens of the garden is quite advanced and fungal diseases have long spread so that is almost impossible to eradicate them or counteract; currently these diseases are being investigated and in the meantime replacement implants of the sick specimens are provided; an imposing global replacement or disinfestation of the soil may also be necessary, almost impossible to achieve without the total closure of the gardens for a few years.