App Riviera natural heritage

App Riviera natural heritage

Botanical and cultural routes through gardens and natural places on the Italian Riviera and the Côte d'Azur

The new free APP for the visit of elements of natural value in the territory of the two rivieras is available on Play Store and on App Store!

A network of places for those who love breathing in the Mediterranean fragrances, enjoying the landscape, the colors and the ever-changing Nature, walking about in peace, whilst stimulating and expanding their knowledge.

Un réseau de sites à visiter, pour ceux qui aiment respirer les senteurs méditerranéennes, profiter du paysage, des couleurs et des formes toujours variées de la nature, se déplacer tranquillement; pour ceux qui aiment éveiller et approfondir leurs connaissances.

Progetto ALCOTRA Natura e Cultura per Tutti (NAT+CULT)